Merciér Therapy provides a safe, gentle, and naturally minded pelvic visceral manipulative technique for women facing fertility challenges, experiencing pelvic pain, recovering from gynecologic surgery and having undergone traumatic birthing experiences. Our goal is to serve women of all ages—from teens to those going through menopause—who are searching for a more natural approach to a multitude of pelvic issues. Our practices started when we saw that this type of therapy is lacking today.

We want to be the first to offer such a unique healing experience. The ultimate intention of Merciér Therapy is to help women navigate their way through infertility and pelvic pain so they can see tangible results. We want to provide a solution that makes sense.

At Hope & Healing Holistic Practice For Women, we explore many different avenues toward wellness, dependent upon your individual needs. Our approach first and foremost is holistic in nature taking into consideration the varied platforms of your health that are specific to your body and lifestyle.

Specifically, Merciér Therapy is a deep, pelvic organ visceral manipulation technique in which the reproductive organs are mobilized and blood flow is restored; organ restrictions are relieved and movement is replenished throughout organs and surrounding structures to enhance their natural and optimal function.

The goal of Merciér Therapy pelvic treatment is to decrease adhesions in and around organs, ligaments, muscles, joints and support structures of the pelvis, abdomen, hips and low back. This soft and non-invasive technique will assist you to reconnect to your femininity and allow your pelvis to reopen for healing and balance.

Feel free to check out the videos in the video section of Dr. Merciér explaining Merciér Therapy.

Areas of Focus

  • Infertility
  • Secondary Infertility
  • IUI/IVF Preparation
  • Poor Ovarian Function
  • High FSH
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Polycystic Ovarian Function
  • Incontinence
  • GI Issues
  • Post Surgical Scar Tissue/Adhesions
  • Natural fertility preparation or to complement IVF, IUI, etc
  • Regulate menstrual cycle and ovulation
  • Normalize hormone and endocrine systems
  • Improve ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs
  • Increase uterine blood flow and lining
  • Deeply relaxing – reducing anxiety & stress
  • Improve the success of IVF, IUI and other reproductive assistance.
  • Dyspareunia
    (Painful Intercourse)
  • Painful Periods
  • Amenorrhea
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Recurrent Miscarriage
  • C-Section Recovery
  • Abortion
  • Menopause
  • Blocked Fallopian tubes
  • Luteal Phase Defect

Merciér Therapy for pelvic pain is done over a period of 4-6 weeks and is done in 6 individual sessions at 60 minutes per session. This visceral manipulative technique is done abdominally and requires NO vaginal work. Appropriate referral to a Uro/Gyn Physician can be given for further evaluation.

Please give our office a call to start your Merciér Therapy regime today and let the healing begin.  Also, if you would like to contact me via email, you can do so here.