Starting a family is (and should be) the most exciting time for women who are ready for motherhood. However, sometimes life has other plans which lead to unexpected roadblocks. This can cause heartbreak, stress, and frustration, often with the feeling of no end in sight. Correcting the underlying issues by little lifestyle adjustments are sometimes all we need to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. 

Hope and Healing Holistic Practice for Women centers around Merciér Therapy which, focuses on a gentle approach to help women become pregnant (naturally or in preparation for IUI/IVF) and to restore pelvic function. We will together look at all aspects of your life and make changes in the areas that need balancing. I firmly believe in a whole-person approach and the alignment of the mind, body, and spirit. Infertility does not solely affect one aspect of the body but all three. Johanna partners with Organic Conceptions-a 5 part audio program that compiles years of research which is incorporated throughout our program to help couples realize they are not a lab result, diagnosis or a number.

Our goal is to guide you through your road to conception and/or restoring pelvic function while addressing the emotional, physical and spiritual challenges that can heavily weigh on couples trying to conceive no matter where you are on your journey to parenthood.

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How I Can Help

Merciér Therapy


Merciér Therapy provides a safe, gentle, and naturally minded pelvic visceral manipulative technique for women facing fertility challenges, experiencing pelvic pain, recovering from gynecologic surgery and having undergone traumatic birthing experiences.

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Shared Journey Fertility Program​


The shared passage of integrated healing and practical approach to the fundamental human experience of natural creation. As a stand alone program, women may start the Shared Journey Fertility Program at any time.

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Pelvic Visceral Manipulation


Pelvic Visceral Manipulation is for women who have adhesions in their reproductive tract, suffer from dyspareunia (painful intercourse), incontinence, GI issues and reproductive disorders such as lack of menses, ovulation and sexual trauma.

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