“You have very high FSH and very low AMH. Time is not on your side. You need to head straight to IVF”. This was the advice of my Reproductive Endocrinologist and as I left the doctor’s office I was absolutely devastated. I cried the whole way home but somewhere along the way, I remembered that I had my FSH tested a few months prior by another doctor and my number was 8.2 (which is perfect!!) This began my quest to solve questions with fertility.
I graduated Massage Therapy school in 2006 with Honors. As my love to heal the human body continued to grow, so did my thirst for knowledge on how to approach healing with a holistic touch. After graduating I began my journey in the chiropractic world performing rehabilitation on patients with various types of injuries and treating general wellness. I saw so many wonderful things like a baby who had Thrush was treated with a few chiropractic adjustments and was healed naturally. A man who walked in off the street was completely bent over at the waist and was walking upright after a week. As time went on my husband and I decided it was time to try to start a family. After a year of unsuccessful trying, I was referred to the Reproductive Endocrinologist, where I received what seemed like the worst news ever but I knew in my heart I could improve my fertility with dedication and hard work and I did.
I spent the next 3 years challenging the status quo. I read book after book and studied with doctors and holistic healthcare practitioners from many backgrounds to find answers to my inability to conceive. One day I stumbled on a website that mentioned Dr. Jennifer Merciér, who helps women get pregnant naturally. After speaking with her I was not only inspired for myself but the thought of giving back to other women in my shoes was my dream come true. So off to Chicago for training, I went! I truly felt that all my education and training had led to this and allow me to develop a treatment plan for women who shared my journey.
As my dream became a reality I wanted to create a place where women can feel at peace, have the burden lifted from their shoulders, and know they are not alone; we can find the answers together. Hope and Healing Holistic Practice for Women centers around Merciér Therapy, which focuses on a holistic approach to help women become pregnant and to restore pelvic health.
Additionally, I believe that you should work on both the emotional and physical health, which is why I am proud to partner with Organic Conceptions. This program specializes in optimizing your emotional health and well-being with over 3 years of scientific research, Organic Conceptions co-founders Marc Sherman and Dr. Kate Webster (Ph.D.) have developed an audio program and workbook to help couples navigate to a safe harbor of emotional healing and unity. As a certified Organic Conceptions Coach I will help guide you through “Journey to Parenthood and Beyond”, a five-part audio lesson that serves as a platform for couples to embrace and emerge from their struggles no matter their path to parenthood.
My experiences and education have taught me so much about myself and the road to conception. Fear and doubt have been replaced with joy, hope, and optimism. I greet every day with wonder and possibility! I enjoy life to the fullest and love bringing blessings to others. Only the Lord knew that years of conception difficulty would turn into my life’s passion and greatest joy!